RobuxMania is created for helping people to get free Robux. We have started this site to help newbies with simple, easy Tips and Tricks to get free Robux Online.
We are a small team that focuses on helping our users to earn free Robux, in return for points gain from completing the survey. We have been building long-lasting relationships and providing free Robux with an exchange of point earn by completing the survey.
We build tools that help our users maximize their commercial value to advertisers. We believe everyone should be able to earn free Robux online, regardless of which country they live in and what profession is them.
There are thousands of scam sites that deceive users, with the promise of gift cards and other rewards. We want to eliminate this harmful practice by providing safe and easy ways to earn prizes online.
So, we decide why we can provide them free Robux with the exchange of RobuxMania’s points. A RobuxMania’s point is earned by completing a survey or referring to your Friends.